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Understanding and developing innovation and creativity to build a smarter future

About us

CIRCé was founded in 2016 on the basis of pluri-disciplinary competences in creativity and innovation. Around 15 researchers try to build a better understanding of creativity and innovation dynamics, with the purpose of proposing methods and tools to actors, would they be firms, public organizations, policy-makers or individuals. In a rapidly changing world facing unprecedented challenges, we are convinced that innovation capabilities are essential to elaborate creative and agile solutions. By researching this field in its various facettes, the members of CIRCé hope to contribute to the building of a smarter - adaptive, sustainable, inclusive - future. CIRCé is a founding member of NaDI, Namur Digital Institute, a research structure of more than 150 researchers dedicated to the various challenges of the digital transition, from computer science aspects to legal and philosophical questions.

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